AAFP American Acadamy of Family Physicians, Diplomate Board Certified
FAFP Florida Acadamy of Family Physicians
A4AM American Acadamy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Fellow and Board Certified
AAFE American Acadamy of Facial Aesthetics Member

Botox is a treatment for those that want to reduce the appearance of their wrinkles. It is quick procedure that works to block your nerves chemical signals.
Botox can also be used to help with migraines! This is known as Masseter Botox. If you have problems with the symptoms below, it may be the option for you.
-Grinding your teeth
-Clenching your jaw
-Relieving headaches
More Botox Information
These self-discovery videos will help you visualize an idea of what procedures are needed for the look you want. Please feel free to watch them and ask
Dr. Lim about these procedures at your next visit!